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Fascia Replacement Protection for Your Home

July 29, 2013 12:38 pm Published by

Fascia Replacement is just one of the many very important methods used to keep your home properly protected from the elements and free from structural damage throughout the year. Many older properties have old roofline protection which, due to the height, has not been properly maintained over the years. This is a very common issue and one which will eventually lead to serious structural issues and extensive financial outlay for the property owner. Old Fascia Replacement is vital for many reasons and often overlooked until it is too late. This is a problem that can very easily be avoided by regular professional maintenance and Fascia Replacement where necessary using high quality UPVC materials which will not deteriorate over time like... View Article

Bargeboards- Roofline Protection

July 13, 2013 11:43 am Published by

With winter on the way there really is no better time to consider checking your roofline for wear and damage and considering replacing your Bargeboards to properly protect your property. One of the most frequently made statements we hear from clients when discussing their properties Bargeboards is “we just never look up there!” This is a very common problem for many people but also one that is completely understandable from an untrained perspective. Our homes are our castles and, while we are constantly improving them in one way, shape or form, we very rarely pay too much attention to the exterior above the window line. The only time most people pay any attention to the roof is when they notice... View Article

Front Door Canopy Interior Protection

June 27, 2013 1:28 pm Published by

Front Door Canopy installation, just like any door canopy installation, are an addition to a property that many people choose to invest in for the following reasons. The most obvious reason for professionally installing a front door canopy is the long lasting all year round protection from the elements that it will provide for the front door area of the property. This is a particularly popular reason due to the damage that the sometimes harsh British weather can cause. While some people find quite inventive other uses for a front door canopy installation ranging from a summer BBQ shelter to an outdoor oil painting shelter many people don`t consider some of the other inconvenient and sometimes damaging things that an... View Article

What is a Fascia Board?

June 10, 2013 1:10 pm Published by

Unless you have been living in a cave your entire life it is absolutely certain that you have seen a Fascia Board however many people are unaware of exactly what they are for.   A Fascia Board is a specific kind of roof trim that is mounted on the exposed ends of Rafters or the top of exterior walls which creates a protective layer between the edges of the roof and the exterior. This type of roof trim is most commonly used on residential housing and also serves as an aesthetically pleasing finish to any property.   Fascia Replacement is very common in older buildings where it is possible that inferior (compared to today’s standards) materials were used or the... View Article

Front Door Canopy Prevents Sun Bleaching

May 30, 2013 1:21 pm Published by

It is a common misconception that a Front Door Canopy is only needed for decorative effect and to protect the area below from the weather in the winter. While the winter protection that a Front Door Canopy provides is a very important part of its job, the protection from the sun that a properly designed and fitted Front Door Canopy will provide is equally as beneficial for your property. The Rain, snow, sleet and sometimes hail stones that plague these shores during the winter do, over time, cause wear and tear to your property and people naturally pay attention to these issues because they are very often an inconvenience to us; this fact makes it very easy to understand the... View Article

Bargeboards– Paint or Replace?

May 15, 2013 12:15 pm Published by

With summer on the way you may be considering venturing outside and up a ladder to paint your Bargeboards to make them look more attractive and to protect them from the ravages of the winter to come.   There are many excellent paints on the market specifically designed for this purpose but is painting enough? For the vast majority of people the Bargeboards on a property are the last thing on their minds at any time of the year and, unless closely inspected, can look absolutely fine to the untrained eye.   The Bargeboards on your property whether basic or decorative play a very important role in protecting the roofline from nature’s elements and, if damaged, can cause serious structural... View Article

Bargeboards – First impressions count!

April 25, 2013 10:59 am Published by

The Bargeboards on a property are usually one of the very last things that people scrutinise when assessing the overall look of their home. Many people simply do not realize the huge aesthetic benefits that the addition or replacement of high quality Bargeboards will provide for the overall look of their property. “First impressions count!” It`s that simple! The above saying is well known and very well understood by us all but familiarity can sometimes cloud our judgement when it comes to our own home. We are all familiar with the following scenario – we but something new, it looks fantastic and we take a photograph of our proud achievement. Over time we still love the item but one day... View Article

Install a Summer Door Canopy

April 8, 2013 11:28 am Published by

Summer is coming and people are starting to make plans for their holidays and the general household chores that this relaxing time of the year brings. There is no better time to think about Door Canopy installation to protect and visibly improve your home. We have installed many different styles of Door Canopy over the years on various different types of properties to hundreds of satisfied customers. Below we have published just a few of these Door Canopy installations for you to enjoy. The before and after image above is a perfect example of how a home can look bland (almost naked) without a Door Canopy but once added it looks completely different. It is safe to say that once... View Article

Bargeboards: A Brief History

March 26, 2013 10:50 am Published by

Bargeboards are a sometimes overlooked possible addition when thinking about the protection and styling of your home. There are many different styles and colours that can be used when installing or replacing your Bargeboards that will add to the look and feel of your home while protecting the roof from nature’s harmful elements. In years gone by the raw ends of the roof framing rafters were covered with a continuous wooden plank which ran from the ridge under the roof down to the bottom – this was named the Bargeboard (derived from the medieval Latin phrase “Bargus.”) Not much thought (if any) was given to the styling of these protective Bargeboards at the time, they simply served a purpose and... View Article

Protect Your Family with a Door Canopy

March 18, 2013 1:08 pm Published by

While we at Summit Cladding would never encourage people to smoke we do fully respect every individual’s right to choose, as long as it is not harming others. The installation of a Door Canopy will enable you to smoke outside in all weathers while your family and friends remain indoors away from any harmful and unwanted smoke. It is a scientifically proven fact that all cigarette smoke is harmful to the smoker and the people around them if they choose to smoke in enclosed spaces, this is known as passive smoking. Children, especially babies, are among the most vulnerable in these situations making smoking in the car and the home something to be avoided at all costs even if you... View Article