Categories for James Hardie Cladding

James Hardie cladding installation in St Albans, Hertfordshire

August 15, 2021 6:20 am Published by

There was something really striking about this recent makeover by Summit Cladding. We are talking colour – a rich and vibrant blue that you don’t see very often on the side of buildings. Summit had been contacted by a client who lives in this 1960s terraced townhouse in St Albans, Hertfordshire. He wanted to replace the existing coloured panels with our durable Hardieplank, but they had to be exactly the same colour as the originals. The reason was that each of the houses in the estate had their own distinctive colour scheme. As well as our client’s blue, the other houses were coloured black, red, and even mustard yellow. Unique character The houses were very much a product of the... View Article

James Hardie cladding installation in Sheering, near Harlow in Essex

July 25, 2021 10:27 am Published by

One of the many advantages of getting Summit Cladding to give your property a makeover is the vast number of colours available. We can simply transform the look of your house – after you decide the colour you like. On this latest job in Sheering, Essex, a village just off the M11 near Harlow, the owner, Brian, had already been to look at one of our previous installations nearby and decided he liked the colour “Sailcloth,” which is becoming very popular in the Essex countryside. But first, Brian wanted Summit’s advice on how much of the property’s rendered walls to dress with Hardieplank cladding – just the first floor and above, or the whole house? Maintenance-free solution With the challenges... View Article

James Hardie weatherproof cladding installation in Maidenhead

June 8, 2021 8:47 am Published by

“Do it once and do it right” has always been Summit Cladding’s motto. We say there’s no point in doing an installation if it doesn’t stand the test of time. And that’s one thing we can guarantee when clients come to us, looking for a permanent solution to those leaking walls and rotting timbers. Hardieplank cladding really does the business. Our client, Mariah, had been living in her timber-clad house in beautiful Maidenhead, Berkshire, for 15 years, and was getting fed up with hiring decorators every time the woodwork needed some care and attention. Mariah had spent thousands of pounds over the years trying to find decorators who would do a better job than the last lot. With so much... View Article

James Hardie Cladding installation in Welwyn, Hertfordshire

May 28, 2021 8:49 am Published by

It has been an unusually wet Spring so it’s no surprise that many homeowners getting in touch with Summit Cladding have had trouble with damp. In fact, most of our clients come to us because their house walls are no longer water-resistant. Brick and block walls are great while they keep the bad weather out but once the damp gets in, for whatever reason, you’ve got problems. And timber cladding can be just as much of a problem when the woodwork deteriorates and water gets behind it. All this helps to explain why James Hardie composite cladding boards are becoming more and more popular – as was the case with a recent client who owns a lovely 1930s farmhouse in... View Article

James Hardie cladding installation in Letchworth, Hertfordshire

April 23, 2021 1:28 pm Published by

Summit Cladding faced a bit of a head-scratching moment when our clients in Henlow, near Letchworth Garden City, told us they wanted the front wall of their house to be given a bit of a makeover. The job was straightforward enough – it’s what we specialise in – but there was one potential snag. Growing up the front of the house, and attached to the wall that required the work, was a lovely mature wisteria, thought to be at least 30 years old. Clearly, we were not going to cut it down, but we couldn’t do the makeover without moving it out of the way. And we didn’t want to do anything that would harm the plant. Saving the wisteria!... View Article

James Hardie cladding installation in Dover, Kent

April 3, 2021 11:32 am Published by

Could there be anything nicer and more typically British than living within sight of the white cliffs of Dover, alongside an ancient windmill? This was the scene that greeted us when Summit Cladding travelled down to Kent for our recent assignment. Our clients had lived in their beautiful flint-walled cottage in its idyllic location for over ten years, just yards from the Grade 2 Listed windmill. But unfortunately, their flint wall was causing them a major headache. Much as they loved its appearance, the wall was letting damp into the house and a previous attempt to repoint it with authentic lime mortar had been unsuccessful. This was when Summit Cladding came to the rescue, thanks to the recommendation of a... View Article

James Hardie cladding installation in Manningtree, Essex

March 11, 2021 10:10 am Published by

Many of us might dream about living in a 300-year-old house in a sleepy English village, but to avoid that dream becoming a nightmare it’s important to keep on top of the maintenance work. Summit Cladding was contacted by the owner of a property near Manningtree in Essex that had once been an old bakery and village shop, now converted into a single home. As we have written before, Summit loves a challenge, but when we inspected the property it was clear that this would not be a simple installation! There had been structural repairs and replacements around the building, but some of the lead work had deteriorated, along with part of the original slate roof and some areas were... View Article

James Hardie cladding in Buckhurst Hill, Chingford

March 2, 2021 10:01 am Published by

Summit Cladding is always pleased to receive a new order from a previous customer – we see it as a vote of confidence in our workmanship and the durability of our materials. We were therefore delighted to be contacted again by Mark and Jane from their home at Buckhurst Hill in Essex. Three years ago, we replaced the gutters, fascias and soffits on their link-detached house, and now they wanted some advice on what to do with the front wall. Mark was very skilled at DIY and had renovated the entire property inside, but he admitted that he didn’t fancy tackling that outside wall! Having worked with our clients before, we remembered how meticulous they were with the detail, so... View Article

James Hardie cladding installation in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire

February 3, 2021 12:53 pm Published by

Nobody who saw the pictures of the terrible fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017 can forget how the cladding on the side of the building fuelled the flames. Perhaps that helps explain why, during the past three years, Summit Cladding has been asked to supply cement-based composite boards. There are two manufacturers of this product and in our opinion the brand we use, James Hardie cladding, is the best, and the one we used on this property in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. Back in the 1990s house cladding was made of uPVC and generally only available in white. In the 2000s we saw the introduction of colours, mainly wood grain and black, although these were technically white with a coloured foil.... View Article

James Hardie cladding installation in Maldon, Essex

January 29, 2021 3:40 pm Published by

We have written before on this blog how cladding had developed over the years, as a cheap and plentiful building material. As one of the most heavily wooded countries in Europe in days gone by, Britain had a constant supply of trees to make timber cladding. But things have come a long way since then and you can now get facing materials in a much wider range than just wood. Composite materials can include blends of cement and plastics, aluminium, vinyl, even compacted straw fibres. So, the choice is huge if you are looking for an alternative. Our clients in Heybridge, near Maldon, Essex, loved the look of their house, but they were not looking forward to regular maintenance of... View Article