December 16, 2015 12:00 pm
Published by Summit Cladding
What Are Barge Boards? There has been a resurgence of decorative barge boards in the UK, with designs that range from minimalist and functional to decorative and ornate. Dating back to the 1400’s, barge boards are attached to the projecting edge of pitched roofs to protect the ends of the timber from weather damage. They have also historically served as an adornment, with a vast array of designs and shapes. Here are five historic and colourful examples of barge boards from around the world that just might inspire you. Golden Barge Boards in Thailand This Buddhist Temple in Thailand boasts some of the world’s most intricate barge boards. Crafted in gold, this is an example of ornate craftsmanship that can’t... View Article
July 13, 2013 11:43 am
Published by Summit Cladding
With winter on the way there really is no better time to consider checking your roofline for wear and damage and considering replacing your Bargeboards to properly protect your property. One of the most frequently made statements we hear from clients when discussing their properties Bargeboards is “we just never look up there!” This is a very common problem for many people but also one that is completely understandable from an untrained perspective. Our homes are our castles and, while we are constantly improving them in one way, shape or form, we very rarely pay too much attention to the exterior above the window line. The only time most people pay any attention to the roof is when they notice... View Article
May 15, 2013 12:15 pm
Published by Summit Cladding
With summer on the way you may be considering venturing outside and up a ladder to paint your Bargeboards to make them look more attractive and to protect them from the ravages of the winter to come. There are many excellent paints on the market specifically designed for this purpose but is painting enough? For the vast majority of people the Bargeboards on a property are the last thing on their minds at any time of the year and, unless closely inspected, can look absolutely fine to the untrained eye. The Bargeboards on your property whether basic or decorative play a very important role in protecting the roofline from nature’s elements and, if damaged, can cause serious structural... View Article
April 25, 2013 10:59 am
Published by Summit Cladding
The Bargeboards on a property are usually one of the very last things that people scrutinise when assessing the overall look of their home. Many people simply do not realize the huge aesthetic benefits that the addition or replacement of high quality Bargeboards will provide for the overall look of their property. “First impressions count!” It`s that simple! The above saying is well known and very well understood by us all but familiarity can sometimes cloud our judgement when it comes to our own home. We are all familiar with the following scenario – we but something new, it looks fantastic and we take a photograph of our proud achievement. Over time we still love the item but one day... View Article
March 26, 2013 10:50 am
Published by Summit Cladding
Bargeboards are a sometimes overlooked possible addition when thinking about the protection and styling of your home. There are many different styles and colours that can be used when installing or replacing your Bargeboards that will add to the look and feel of your home while protecting the roof from nature’s harmful elements. In years gone by the raw ends of the roof framing rafters were covered with a continuous wooden plank which ran from the ridge under the roof down to the bottom – this was named the Bargeboard (derived from the medieval Latin phrase “Bargus.”) Not much thought (if any) was given to the styling of these protective Bargeboards at the time, they simply served a purpose and... View Article